This small bag of organic meadowsweet includes a label detailing the main magical correspondences.
This is food safe, so able to be used in cooking and teas, and available in a small bag (~12g) or large (45g).
Chopped organic meadowsweet
Safety Information
Safety Information
- Unsafe for internal use while pregnant. Safety during breastfeeding unknown.
- May cause allergic reactions in those with allergies to aspirin.
- Can cause negative reactions in asthmatics.
- May interact with aspirin and some anti-inflammatories.
Product Information
Common name: Meadowsweet
Latin name: Filipendula ulmaria
Folk Names: Bridewort, dollof, lady of the meadow, mead sweet, mead wort, meadow queen, meadow-wort, pride of the meadow, queen of the meadow
Element: Water
Planet: Jupiter
Zodiac: Gemini
Magical Properties: Love, marriage, fertility, abundance, divination, happiness, peace
Part: Plant
Origin: Bosnia
Food-Safe: Yes
Organic: Yes
Weight: 12g / 45g