Most of the witches calendars and events you'll find, in books and online, are based on European and North American locations, which can be frustrating as an Australian witch. I've previously discussed how our Southern Hemisphere location impacts our seasons and celebrations, so I'm sharing my 2025 Australian Witches Calendar.
This is a topic that's left me frustrated, intrigued, and obsessed since I first picked up a book on witchcraft as an adult - all of which have only deepened as I've progressed further into my druidry studies, which are underpinned by a strong focus on connecting with your own environment.
I sketched my first version of this calendar almost 6 years ago, and this year I decided to share a variation on the current version of my wheel of the year/calendar wheel (edited to use more common names for the seasonal celebrations, rather than my personal names).
2025 Seasonal Festivals: Southern Hemisphere
❤️ Lammas / Lughnasadh / Reflection: Feb 1 (traditional) / Feb 3 (astrological)
🩷 Autumn Equinox / Mabon / Alban Elfed: March 20
💜 Samhain / ShadowFest: April 30 (traditional) / May 5 (astrological)
💙 Winter Solstice / Yule / Alban Arthan: June 21
💚 Imbolc / Quickening: August 1 (traditional) / August 7 (astrological)
🌿 Spring Equinox / Ostara / Alban Eilir: September 23
💛 Beltane / Floralia: Nov 1 (traditional) / Nov 7 (astrological)
🧡 Summer Solstice / Litha / Alban Hefin: Dec 21
(Dates given are based on Boorloo/Perth time, GMT+8 - Check the dates/times of the seasonal festivals in 15 different timezones)
2025 New & Full Moons
🌑 December 31
🌕 January 14
🌑 January 29
🌕 February 12
🌑 February 28
🌕 March 14
🌑 March 29 - Super new moon
🌕 April 13 - Micro full moon
🌑 April 28 - Super new moon
🌕 May 13 - Micro full moon
🌑 May 27
🌕 June 11
🌑 June 25
🌕 July 11
🌑 July 25
🌕 August 9
🌑 August 23 - Black moon
🌕 September 8 - Total lunar eclipse
🌑 September 22
🌕 October 7
🌑 October 21
🌕 November 5 - Super full moon
🌑 November 20 - Micro new moon
🌕 December 5 - Super full moon
🌑 December 20
(Dates given are based on GMT+8 - Check the dates/times in your local timezone)
About the Calendar Wheel
The image on this post is the calendar I made for 2025, based on my location in Boorloo (so-called Perth, Western Australia), on Wadjuk Noongar boodjar.
From the centre, outwards, you'll see:
- The 6 Noongar seasons
- The 8 seasonal festivals (I've used the common names for the cross-quarters, since I'll probably use this on my business socials)
- The 12 months of the year
- The 52-ish weeks of the year
- The 365 days of the year
- The new, full, and quarter moons for 2025
Depending where in the world you're from, you might also notice some things look a little different than you expect...
The wheel is arranged Southern Hemisphere sunwise. Because the sun skewing towards the equator at midday take it to the north, the sun's path over the course of each day appears to move counter-clockwise (because clocks were made based off northern hemisphere sundials).
The quarter-moon icons seem inverted, because we're viewing the moon from a different vantage point. Southern hemisphere moon phases look like:
Likewise some dates might seem a little off - Astrological events occur at the same instant, regardless of where in the world we are, but how we mark that instant on our calendar will depend on what timezone we're located in (and which side of midnight that timezone places us).
Like the calendar?
I've made it available as an A3 wall calendar you can print at home (or Officeworks!), with either the Noongar seasons, or the 4 traditional/Vivaldi seasons.